Read and ponder the following quote from a Youngwalker:
“I got extended. Not one week, but two weeks. I was so angry. My first reaction was to burn the letters and then chew out my parents in another letter. This is when one of my mot important Awakenings happened. In that moment, I realized that my anger had been influencing choices I had made in the past and my choices had lead to consequences. i chose not to burn my letters and not to chew out my parents. I found that my anger had been controlling my impulsivity, and that it didn’t have to anymore. I was in control; I had made the choice without my anger, and in the end it paid off. I realized there are choices we make and the choices all lead somewhere. One way leads to pain and sorrow, and the other leads to happiness. Tiny choices we make can influence our lives, and my choice not to get angry influenced mine.” —Pushing Buffalo